
Community & Civic Engagement

Community & Civic Engagement​

The Urban League Twin Cities is working to build a stronger, more engaged, connected and empowered community. We believe that building power and expanding leadership through community engagement is one of the most effective ways to create lasting change.​

Community & Civic Engagement

The Urban League Twin Cities is working to build a stronger, more engaged, connected and empowered community. We believe that building power and expanding leadership through community engagement is one of the most effective ways to create lasting change.

With the help of community members, we generate ideas to better understand issues, identify concerns and consideration and help with problem solving. The Urban League hosts listening sessions, quarterly policy forums and other events to provide opportunities for the community to learn and act together as advocates.

We also bring people from diverse backgrounds together for community building through fun family-friendly activities like our annual Family Day and Black History Month Breakfast. These events offer people opportunities to come together and get to know each other to create a stronger, more inclusive community.

Get engaged and attend a community event.


Urban League Twin Cities advocate for an education experience that best prepares students, and the families that support them to become ready for success.

Wealth Development​

Our Wealth Development program provides housing and financial counseling services. Asset building through homeownership, along with financial stabilization and wealth creation is the main goal of this program.


ULTC advances the African American experience and perspective on issues of equality, justice, and power to favorably impact policy, programs, plans and resources that impact black people.

Workforce Solutions​

Urban League Twin Cities Employment and Training programs offer job training, placement and advanced opportunities. We want to help clients pursue careers that provide livable wages.

Community & Civic Engagement​

The Urban League Twin Cities is working to build a stronger, more engaged, connected and empowered community. We believe that building power and expanding leadership through community engagement is one of the most effective ways to create lasting change.​

Center for the advancement of the Black Family

Every American deserves to live in safe, decent, affordable and energy efficient housing on fair terms. Urban League Twin Cities advocates on behalf of marginalized Minnesota's to reduce housing instability.

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